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About Me


I'm a mineralogist and crystallographer. My research is mainly focused on natural diamonds and their inclusions, meteorites, and new mineral species. I like to use my mineralogical and crystallographic background to solve geological problems at the small and large scale and I absolutely love interdisciplinary research.


I teach Mineralogy to undergraduate students and I consider this my #1 work-related priority. My wife, Tatiana and I have two beautiful children, Lorenzo (12) and Viola (9). Our dog Anita is like a third child...


Education and Employment

1999: Master’s degree in Geological Sciences – University of Torino, Italy


2003: Ph.D. in Mineralogy, Petrology and Crystallography – University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy


2004-2005: Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship - Bayerisches Geoinstitut, University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany.


2005-2006: Associate Post-Doctoral position - Virginia Polytechnique Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA.


2006-2010: Permanent Researcher in Mineralogy – Department of Geosciences, University of Padova


2010-2015: Associate Professor in Mineralogy – Department of Geosciences, University of Padova


2015-present: Full Professor in Mineralogy – Department of Geosciences, University of Padova, Italy

Research In-Person


Deep diamonds shed light on how supercontinents move.

An international study, just published in Nature, led to new findings on the evolution of the supercontinent Gondwana, through the analysis of two deep diamonds.

From Department of Geoscience - University of Padova YouTube Channel

Superdeep diamonds: a new study sheds light on the Earth’s interior and plate tectonics

A unique combination of minerals trapped inside a superdeep diamond from Kankan in Guinea, analyzed by an international study recently published in Nature, sheds new light on the composition of the Earth’s mantle and deepens our understanding of plate tectonics.

From Department of Geoscience - University of Padova YouTube Channel

Department News


ERC 2021 Starting Grant Winner - 
Martha G. Pamato

Martha G. Pamato, Associate Professor of Mineralogy at the University of Padova, Department of Geosciences is the PI of the ERC project INHERIT. 

INHERIT aims to understand the origin of Earth's through the study of hydrogen (H) in diamond. The INHERIT research team will use a multifaceted approach to better understand how H is incorporated during diamond growth, the mechanisms by which H diffuses through diamond and the isotopic composition of H in diamonds.  

From Department of Geoscience - University of Padova YouTube Channel

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For more information about the INHERIT project, visit

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